Beyond CIO |

Andre Mendes, Interim CEO of the Broadcast Board of Governors

June 22, 2015

Among other topics, Andre discusses the following issues with Metis Strategy:

  • The missions and goals of the Broadcasting Board of Governors
  • How BBG is able to get its information across in regimes where a free press is unavailable
  • How he measures success, and what kind of metrics he uses to determine whether progress is being made
  • How he leverages social media and “multi-directional” communication, and what roles those methods play in reaching the audience today
  • How he works with other agencies within the government and how they are able to coordinate their message
  • How his career path has led him to chief executive role, and how his previous CIO roles have prepared him for his current position

Andre Mendes’ Biography

Andre is the interim CEO of the Broadcasting Board of Governors, a government agency whose goal is to deliver news and information to audiences overseas.  As interim CEO, Andre oversees all aspects of U.S. international media, and provides management of BBG’s technical, professional, and administrative operations.

Prior to assuming the interim CEO role, Andre served as the director of global operations, managing and supervising the IBB Chief of staff, as well as the Office of Technology, Services, and Innovation.  He also served as the program administrator for grants made to BBG-sponsored grantees.

Prior to joining BBG, Andre served as senior vice president of strategic planning and CIO of Special Olympics International, where he managed the organizations technology infrastructure and helped develop a four year Special Olympics strategic plan.  Previously, Andre also served as Chief Technology Integration Officer for PBS (the Public Broadcasting Service).

The World Class IT principles in yellow were the focus of this interview

  • 01 1- People
  • 02 2- Infrastructure
  • 03 3- Project and Portfolio Management
  • 04 4- IT & Business Partnership
  • 05 5- External Partnerships

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