Atticus Tysen, CIO of Intuit

May 09, 2016

Among other topics, Atticus discusses the following issues with Metis Strategy:

  • His journey across multiple parts of Intuit, culminating with the CIO position
  • Working in a technology company where all employees are tech-savvy
  • The advantage of being both a “consumer” and now producer of IT’s value to the organization
  • Methods IT has used to become “product leaders” rather than “order takers” within the organization
  • How he has ensured that the team understands how “customer-centric” technology is used within the organization
  • The skills and roles that are rising in importance within Intuit
  • Advice he would give to CIOs not at technology companies, as a CIO who has worked at multiple tech-centric organizations
  • Resources he uses to remain abreast of innovation and technology
  • Eye on the Trends: Data, and the shift to managed and hosted solutions

Atticus Tysen’s Biography

Atticus Tysen is the Chief Information Officer of Intuit Inc., a $4 billion software organization that develops financial and tax preparation software and services.  In that role, Atticus is responsible for the applications supporting the company’s HR, Finance, Marketing, Sales, and Support organizations.  Atticus has been with Intuit since 2002, holding multiple roles both within and outside IT.

Prior to Intuit, Atticus was the Vice President of Engineering at Aveo Inc.  He also previously worked as a software engineering manager at Octel and Apple Computer.

Atticus earned his Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science from Stanford University.

The World Class IT principles in yellow were the focus of this interview

  • 01 1- People
  • 02 2- Infrastructure
  • 03 3- Project and Portfolio Management
  • 04 4- IT & Business Partnership
  • 05 5- External Partnerships

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