episode 699

Data & Analytics as a Source of Resilience and Growth with Boeing & Walmart Tech Execs

Vinod Bidarkoppa is the Senior Vice President of Walmart and Chief Technology Officer of Sam’s Club, a role he's been in for a bit more than two and a half years. Prior to that, he previously served as the Chief Information Officer of the United Health Group as well as Tesco. Susan Doniz is the Chief Information Officer and SVP of IT & Data Analytics at Boeing, a role she's had for about two and a half years. She's been a CIO multiple times over, most recently at Qantas immediately prior to her role. Susan has also served on a variety of boards, including Bayshore HealthCare in Canada. September 19, 2022

699: Vinod and Susan cover the topic of Data & Analytics as a Source of Resilience and Growth. Susan explains the role data & analytics play in delivering predictability and stability as a part of Boeing’s overall strategy, how she trains her team in the skills needed to achieve that, and why data is integral to a company’s culture and telling its story. Vinod describes how data & analytics impact the customer experience at Sam’s Club, how he is making Sam’s Club into an AI-enabled digital enterprise, and how he is democratizing that data across his business.

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This episode is sponsored by Cisco.

"I honestly can't think of one area of our business where we don't use the data and analytics." - Susan Doniz, Boeing

The World Class IT principles in yellow were the focus of this interview

  • 01 1- People
  • 02 2- Infrastructure
  • 03 3- Project and Portfolio Management
  • 04 4- IT & Business Partnership
  • 05 5- External Partnerships

From strategy to implementation

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