Meet The Winners Of Elon Musk’s $15 Million XPRIZE To End Global Illiteracy

May 28, 2019
BY Brandon Metzger
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Today, there are hundreds of millions of children around the world who cannot read, write, or do basic arithmetic. This waste of human potential results in continued poverty for millions of individuals and even entire nations. That is why the Global Learning XPRIZE was launched in 2014, challenging teams from around the world to create scalable, open-source software that will enable children to teach themselves basic reading, writing, and arithmetic in 15 months. In 2017, five finalists were selected from over 198 teams and awarded $1 million each, and last year, testing was expanded with the launch of an Impact Coalition. Now, after 15 months of field tests with nearly 3,000 children across 170 villages in Tanzania, the winner(s) have finally been selected.

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