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World Class IT in a Services World, Peter High interviewed in Smart Enterprize Magazine

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With Everything as a Service, CIOS need a new recipe for success.

Full article by Tom Fare in: Smart Enterprise, Volume 6, Issue 1, 2012, Page 32

The trend toward Everything as a Service (XaaS) has CIOs scrambling to set the right strategy. To learn more about how CIOs will succeed in a services world, Contributing Editor Tom Farre spoke recently with Peter High, President of CIO advisory firm Metis Strategy and author of World Class IT: Why Businesses Succeed When IT Triumphs (Jossey-Bass, 2009).

SE: In today’s enterprise, how can smart CIOs use XaaS to improvethe IT infrastructure?

PH: Traditional on-premises IT infrastructure is typically capitalintensive.The more of it you have to control and manage, the moredifficult it is to keep current; and as demand changes, you can’teasily ratchet it up and back. But by leveraging a service-basedmodel, you are better positioned with a variable cost structure.In tough economic times, your costs should more closely reflectthe realities of the business environment.

Other questions in the interview:

– But with IT and business services available directly from thecloud, how can CIOs ensure that business users won’t bypass IT?
– How about people? What impact will XaaS have on IT personnel?
– So in a world-class IT organization, what should this “muscle”be doing?
– What else should CIOs know about world-class IT?
– So how important are internal communications?

Please visit the interactive digital copy of Smart Enterprise, page 32, for the full interview with Peter High.

Alternatively, you can access the PDF version of the interview here:
Peter High, President of Metis Strategy- Smart Enterprise Interview on Everything as a Service, Volume 6. Issue 1. 2012.